ANALYSIS OF SOME PROBLEMS IN THE NONLINEAR AUTOMATIC CONTROL SYSTEMS BY LOGARITHMIC CHARACTERISTICS A Synthesis Approach of Typical Automatic Control Systems by Using Only the Bode Gain Plot 非线性自动控制系统若干问题的对数分析方法典型自动控制系统的对数幅频特性综合法
Method of linear approximation for drawing logarithmic phase plot 绘制对数相频图的渐近线法
We do scatter plot chart for the Logarithmic return rate of bank combination and Shanghai stock composite index. Scatter plot chart present a linear relationship between them. We selected a linear regression model as the theoretical model. 因此我们先对银行组合的日对数收益率和上证综合指数的日对数收益率做散点图,由散点图看出它们之间的线性关系,我们选定一元线性回归模型作为理论模型。